Grupo Peñarroya celebrates 50 years as a leader in the tourism sector on the Costa del Sol
Diario Sur. 06 June de 2016
The company has always been known for innovation, diversifying its business lines, setting the benchmark in the development of tourism on the Costa del Sol
In 2016, Grupo Peñarroya celebrates the 50th anniversary of its foundation; it was created in 1966 as a company dedicated to the real-estate sector and borne of the personal efforts of Cristóbal Peñarroya, who discovered his entrepreneurial calling at a very young age.
Over the course of the last 50 years, the Group has accumulated a wealth of experience, standing out on account of its real-estate development projects, which serve as a testament to its innovative spirit.
Grupo Peñarroya has always committed to new markets and were pioneers in the internationalisation of its product and the diversification of its business lines; in doing so, it has played a key role in the development of tourism on the Costa del Sol.
Its evolution over the last 50 years has resulted in a wide range of projects that have gradually transformed the structure of the organisation.
In fact, since the creation of Inmobiliaria Peñarroya through to today’s management of the Holiday World tourism complex, the Group has undertaken countless business ventures, with a presence in several sectors; nonetheless, tourism development has always represented its main distinguishing feature.
The success and position of Grupo Peñarroya within the business community can be seen in its emblematic real estate developments spread across Malaga and the main tourism destinations on Costa del Sol, from Torremolinos to Marbella.
Large projects such as Júpiter and Minerva, Benalbeach or La Reseva de Marbella, have contributed to the development of residential tourism, the promotion of which at an international level has been decisive in the Costa del Sol tourism brand maintaining its weight in today’s climate.
Today, Grupo Peñarroya can proudly boast that it has placed 30 real estate and residential developments into operation, made up of more than 4500 properties over the course of its 50 years of experience.
Not to mention the rest of its portfolio, such as shopping centres, offices, restaurants, travel agencies, sports centres, conference centres… which serve to complement its main developments.
The Group’s brave strategic commitment to the tourism sector has made it possible for the management of this type of service to become an important business line, as Grupo Peñarroya not only promotes the Holiday World complex, but also assumes responsibility for its direct management, pioneering the introduction of quality all-inclusive packages into the tourism offered on the Costa del Sol.
The logical growth of the business structure and the incorporation of the second generation of the Peñarroya family into the management team represents a clear evolution in the organisation itself, culminating in the process of professionalising management roles at the Group’s companies.
This process and the standardisation of how the organisation is run has been addressed in the Family Protocol, a clear commitment by the family to ensure business continuity with a guarantee of success.
Its corporate growth is anchored in its solid values, such as the family, environment and commitment to society. The Group has managed to retain its air of a family company, assuming a position of leadership in terms of environmental management in the hotel industry and stand out, particularly in human resources management, thanks to its work-life balance and professional growth policies, considering employee satisfaction as a key to success.
Despite having faced changing times and countless projects over the course of the past 50 years, the values of Grupo Peñarroya have been a constant factor that have inspired the Group to pioneer a responsible approach to business.
Año de fundación: 1966
Propietaria: Familia Peñarroya
Actividad: sector turístico (hotelero e inmobiliario)
Sede: Hoteles Holiday World
Avda. del Sol, P.K. 215 29631 Benalmádena – Málaga (España)
+34 952 57 97 00
Misión, visión y valores:
Grupo Peñarroya tiene como misión alcanzar niveles de liderazgo en el sector turístico y de ocio, ofreciendo un servicio de calidad asociado a acciones responsables y a una gestión honesta y transparente.
Su visión es la expansión sostenible dentro del territorio de la Costa del Sol, apostando por una diversificación a través de sus negocios encaminados hacia el ocio, el deporte, y a sectores relacionados con la salud y el bienestar.
Grupo Peñarroya hace gala de un compromiso constante con sus valores, ejerciendo un liderazgo ético basado en valores de visión empresarial, compromiso, cercanía, responsabilidad social, esfuerzo e Integridad.
Proyectos sociales y reconocimientos:
Empresa Familiarmente Responsable, integrante TOP 25 Efr, Premio ARHOE, Premio Adepma, Distintivo SICTED, integrante Foro RSE, sello Travelife golf, Iso 9001 y 14001, eventos benéficos en colaboración con varias asociación y en especial con Proyecto Hombre Málaga.